Ev’rybody Have a Good Time

The new funky opener for concert or church service!

For mixed choir S.A.T.B. (S.A.M. or S.A.A. possible!), solo voice and piano.
The inclusion of the congregation or the audience in light parts is appealing. After a groovy main section, this song ends in an a cappella anthem.
If desired, the hymn “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” (EG 161/GL 149) can follow or be integrated.

Download rehearsal score >>>

Author: Stephan Zebe
Instrumentation: S.A.M. (S.A.T.B. / S.A.A.), Solo, Piano
Level of difficulty: easy-medium


Available versions:

– Full Score (ZE 5015, A4) € 6,00
Vocal Score (ZE 5016, A4, we deliver only as choir set!) € 1,50

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